
Reasons to Choose Scrum for Web and Mobile development

Fundamentally, scrum offers a team-based approach to project work that allows a product development process to benefit from iterative self-reflection, helps a team learn how to estimate their own ability to address unfamiliar tasks, exposes metrics about team effectiveness, encourages dialogue about feature implementation instead of static specifications, and supports rapid response to changing market […]

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How to Migrate Your WordPress Site from one host to other?

Moving your website to a new host can be a daunting and stressful experience, but it doesn’t need to be. Many people are faced with the need to move to a new host because of problems with their current provider and have just had enough. But all too often, migrating to a more reliable host

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What does Telemetry mean for a developer? All that you wanted to learn about Telemetry.

Telemetry Telemetry is a powerful feature that’s a core component of a  Application Monitoring service. If you’re wondering why telemetry should matter to you, then look no further – read on to learn more about telemetry, how it works, and why it matters. Definition of Telemetry Telemetry is the automatic recording and transmission of data

What does Telemetry mean for a developer? All that you wanted to learn about Telemetry. Read More »

Choosing the Right VPS Hosting

Virtual Private Servers Explained

What is VPS Hosting? A virtual private server (VPS) is a cost-effective way for a small business to gain more flexibility and efficiency than is offered with shared hosting without the expense associated with running a dedicated server. Most small businesses also don’t need all the power of a dedicated server, so VPS provides a good in-between

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Brand awareness is a measure of how familiar a consumer is with your brand.

Your ultimate guide to brand awareness

Can you imagine a world where nobody had ever heard of brands like Coca Cola, Kelloggs or Bandaids? These companies have become so synonymous with the products they sell (soda, cereal, and bandages, respectively) that they’re permanently etched into consumer culture. But even if your product or service doesn’t have the same universal appeal as

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Conversational Marketing

Conversational Marketing, Social Media & Words That Work

Between GDPR updates and falling reach on Facebook, marketers are in a tailspin. Now more than ever, we need to know what types of posts draw attention on Facebook, and we need to build our strategies around them. For those used to thinking in terms of tactics and tricks, this news may come as a relief:

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Know how a Chip is made for your mobile/computer/devices

Gone are the days when a mobile phone was judged by its design. In the past, no one really cared about the speed of the interface or the number of pixels in the display, a phone was popular because of the brand and the design. Skip to the present and the mobile phone industry (tablets

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Cloud managed services

Benefits of hiring a Cloud Managed Services provider

Your business runs on information. Without comprehensive cloud management, your business is susceptible to security threats, data loss and costly downtime. Whether you have a multi-tenant or hybrid cloud environment, cloud managed service providers possess extensive cloud knowledge to support your environment or fill in the management gaps. Are you leaving money on the table? Contact

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