Social media marketing tips you should know about in 2020

Social media, the giant which has taken over our lives silently and influences many of our customers and viewers. Since the social media is so widely used by individuals, it is evident that business have revolutionized the way marketing works on these platforms. Social media marketing has its own perks from long term benefits to instant cashing out.

Social media, the giant which has taken over our lives silently and influences many of our customers and viewers. Since social media is so widely used by individuals, it is evident that business has revolutionized the way marketing works on these platforms. Social media marketing has its own perks from long term benefits to instant cashing out.

Some of the benefits of social media marketing are as follows:

  • increased brand awareness
  • catering to a broader audience
  • able to connect to all type of audiences
  • more substantial traffic to your website
  • a more manageable and higher number of leads
  • increase in sales

Regardless of whether you’re introducing a new brand to the market or working for an existing brand, compelling and steady marketing is something that each organization needs to communicate with its clients.

As mentioned in the article by

Your brand strategy is how, what, where, when and to whom you plan on communicating and delivering on your brand messages. Where you advertise is part of your brand strategy.

Branding has been there for a long time, however, the way we present and work it out has changed. In this digital era, social media marketing, SEO, and paid ads are the main critical points for marketers to place a brand.

Here are some statistics for you before we begin our social media marketing tips:

From the above statistics, it is clear that social media is influential and has space for all. It is where you can place your brand conveniently and generate leads for the business. No marketing strategy is complete without the use of social media marketing.

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Now since we have talked so much about it, let’s dive into the list of social media marketing tips you need to follow in 2020.

2. Set your goals and objectives right

Creating a focused path for yourself gives you ample time to make your words into action. It is suggested to have a written plan, objectives, and goals for your social media strategy. Your social media strategy is how, what, where, when, and to whom you plan on communicating and delivering on your brand messages.

Plan out your monthly goals and set weekly targets, which is feasible. Your social media goal and efforts are directly related to your overall marketing efforts.

It is always suggested to note down your goals unless you don’t want to achieve them at all.

According to a study done by Gail Matthews at Dominican University, those who wrote down their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not write down their goals.

Must Read: Why You Should Be Writing Down Your Goals

Here are some examples of weekly targets (set some kick-ass targets):

  • get 500 organic likes on your Facebook page
  • post two engaging posts per week
  • generate a lead per day

2. Use your brand kit as a foundation

Social media marketing tips you should know about: Branding Kit example

While we start with a new brand, it is always essential to have fixed branding rules and design. There should be consistency in customer experience across all platforms. By consistency, we mean following the same aesthetics and same tone. Many times consistency is mistaken with repetition. However, repeating designs or layout is not consistency.

You need to use your brand kit for your social media marketing materials, like colors, typography, images/graphics, and sometimes layouts. This is a more comfortable and consistent way to put your brand inline across all platforms.

Here is an example of how Google uses its brand identity consistently, as mentioned in its Visual Guidelines. It has a fixed set of brand guidelines for logo, imagery, color, and typography.

3. Use each inch of social media real-estate wisely

Every word or content posted on your social media platform is essential and needs attention. That includes your profile picture, bio, website links, and other contact information. Never leave any of the details blank. Just don’t push any updates for the sake of posting.

Value your profile biography and use it with a clear and brief description of your products and services. It is a one-off opportunity to let your customers know who you are, the services/products you have to offer, and your unique selling proposition.

Here are some examples of excellent social media profiles, you can check out and implement similar captivating user activity:

Instagram: Visuals friendly platform, works great for images and short video clips. It doesn’t help in web traffic but makes you famous.

You can get in depth information on how to Leverage Instagram for Business in 2020 like a ninja by MobileMonkey an award winning marketing bot solution (do check it out!!).


Social media marketing tips you should know about: luxy-hair-instagram-bios

Social media marketing tips you should know about: ballet bc instagramSocial media marketing tips you should know about:: collage collage bio insta

Facebook: It is a platform where most of your target audience would be found. Pages, along with groups, work great for a variety of content.

Social media marketing tips you should know about:: genius-fb-page

Social media marketing tips you should know about: tourism-ireland-fb

Social media marketing tips you should know about: polaroid-fb

Pinterest: Similar to Instagram, Pinterest is based on images; however, it is highly effective in sending traffic to your website.


Social media marketing tips you should know about: nordstrom

Food Network

Social media marketing tips you should know about: food-network

LinkedIn: A professional network with 575+ million users. More than 260 million monthly active users. It’s a great place for professional networking and engagement.

Crest + OralB

linkedin marketing tips you should know about: Crest & OralB

Salesforce Developers

linkedin marketing tips you should know about: salesforce developers


linkedin marketing tips you should know about: unilever

4. Avoid trying to sell at every moment

The key to social media marketing is to create brand awareness and trust. If you gain these tow, sales will happen on its own. However, if you see each opportunity as a sales on social media, it’s not gonna work. Traditional marketing and sales are long gone, people prefer non-intrusive brands. People are more interested in making lasting relationships and connections. They like to have faith and trust built on a brand.

“All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust.” – Bob Burg


Create awareness and trust

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Create content that adds value for the consumer, ultimately leading them to your products or services. Content should not be sales-oriented; rather, it should be helpful.

5. Keep a handful of templates

Social media is all about being quick and attractive. The easiest way to keep yourself ready with content and still maintain your brand image is to have social media templates. That can be customized with minimal efforts.




twitter post

6. Run contests to boost your social media

Running a contest increases your online visibility, followers, and a higher rate of engagement. It is one of the most straightforward tactics that can be used on social media without being pushy.

Social media contests include giveaways and sweepstakes. These provide a lot of value to their targeted audience. There are a few tools that can help you achieve it easily, as listed below:






7. Paid promotions

Paid promotions may not be necessary at all times. There are times when your excellent post isn’t getting enough mileage. As a result, you will have to use paid promotions.

Promotions ensure that your content receives maximum viewers, and it’ll help you to achieve your goal. Promotion can not be overlooked, not every post gets all the attention that is expected.

An easy process to implement content marketing and promotions would look something like this:

  1. Create content and share it on social media platforms.
  2. Select your top-performing content and promote it.
  3. Build your audience by tagging site visitors with a cookie.
  4. Filter based on behavioral and demographic data.
  5. Remarket to your audience through various ads.
  6. Capture qualified lead. 
  7. Repeat.


Once again, I would like to remind you that Social Media Marketing is hard work. But you can not ignore the perks of it. You need to take it seriously and start it as soon as possible unless you want to miss out on leads, customers, online visibility, and sales.

You have to prioritize on making a mark at social media platforms.

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