The Business Benefits of Having a Mobile App

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You often hear the words “mobile app” or simply “app” mentioned in everyday conversations. People use mobile apps to buy groceries, stay in touch with friends, and hold business meetings. You name a task, and almost always, there’s a specific mobile app that can cover it. Apps have become such an integral part of our lives that even big companies and small enterprises are increasingly incorporating them into their business strategies and operations.

In fact, many businesses today rely heavily on mobile apps because of the many benefits that they can bring to the table. But before going further into that, it may be useful to know what a mobile app is and what makes it different from a web app. 

The mobile app defined 

A mobile app is a type of application software designed to perform a specific task on a mobile device. The functions are usually limited because they are composed of individual software units. There are many different types of mobile apps. Among these are lifestyle apps, utility mobile apps, travel apps, and of course, the very popular social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram.

Differences between mobile and web apps

Mobile apps are similar to web apps because they both perform functions that help the end-user do things more efficiently and effectively. The designs of both kinds of apps for the same product or service may also be identical.

Yet, there are differences. For a software engineer, web development is less costly than mobile development. Web apps are also easier to build and maintain. 

However, from a business perspective, mobile apps can be more attractive. They offer greater flexibility as they are faster and can work offline. They also have greater functionality and are more updated than web apps. While it can be inconvenient to download mobile apps or look for compatible platforms, this is offset by the advantage of more safety and security. But we’re getting ahead of the article. Here are a few significant ways by which your business can benefit from having a mobile app.

The mobile app advantage

Allows user-flexibility

As mentioned earlier, unlike web apps that can only be accessed in an HTML environment, mobile apps can work perfectly offline. Your customers do not need an internet connection and can therefore be located anywhere. They can simply run the updates whenever they have online access and go offline when doing business or transacting on your app. 

Increases brand visibility

There are about 6.378 billion smartphone users today, and that’s just a little over 80% of the world’s population. With an average daily screen time of more than 3 hours per person, it’s no wonder that businesses use mobile apps to improve brand exposure. 

You can access your specific target market and create content relevant to them with a mobile app. Tapping the right influencers can also better educate your target demographic about how your brand can add value to their lives. 

Improves topline numbers

Whether you want to retain your existing customer base or attract new customers, mobile apps can help you do either. Using mobile apps, you can run a loyalty reward program or incentivize long-time customers with exclusive offers. Through such programs, you not only boost sales but also strengthen your business relationships with these customers, who can also be your brand ambassadors. 

Potential shoppers or buyers can also be drawn in through trial discounts and free items. For example, push notifications can promote your product or service to those most interested or likely to purchase. What’s more, your user acquisition campaigns can reach more customers from the same relevant demographic in a shorter period than traditional marketing tools.

Enables better financial management 

With more companies becoming aware of the value of mobile apps, the days of tedious financial management processes may soon be over. Mobile apps

increase the visibility of financial records across more stakeholders, allowing better transparency and control. Finance managers and personnel also find it easier to gather data for better financial analysis. Some mobile apps can even pull in data to create reports in real-time. 

Makes customer service more efficient

One of the usual challenges that businesses face is handling customer complaints. How often have you heard about negative feedback about a company’s customer service department, which has made them lose customers? With so many alternative companies to choose from, it is easy for customers to switch preferences. 

With mobile apps, you can enhance the quality of your customer service by automating those processes that do not need interaction with a service agent. 

For instance, simple customer queries can be addressed by responsive data tables. Effective chatbots can also find solutions to standard problems, helping you and the customer save time and move on. Your customer service team can then focus more on those concerns that require a deeper level of engagement. 

Enhanced team collaboration

Evidently, a significant advantage that mobile apps afford business organizations and teams is enhanced communication, which results in strengthened collaboration.

Several mobile apps are designed so everyone can share data in real-time. This allows better alignment and decreases miscommunication, helping teams make better and quicker decisions. 

Final Notes

There is no other time to leverage the many benefits of incorporating mobile apps into your business. After all, what is there to not like? With mobile apps, you can enhance your brand visibility, boost sales, allow customers to access your business offline, and get better at customer service. You can manage your finances better as well as strengthen your team’s collaboration. DOwnload your mobile app today!

Written by Katie Pierce

awsadmin (391)

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